And He placed therein firmly-set mountains from above it and He blessed therein, and determined therein its sustenance in four periods equal, for those who ask.
For He [it is who, after creating the earth,] placed firm mountains on it, [towering] above its surface, and bestowed [so many] blessings on it, and equitably apportioned its means of subsistence to all who would seek it: [and all this He created] in four aeons
He placed therein firm hills rising above it, and blessed it and measured therein its sustenance in four Days, alike for (all) who ask
He set on the (earth), mountains standing firm, high above it, and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measure therein all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in four Days, in accordance with (the needs of) those who seek (Sustenance)
He placed on the earth firm mountains, standing high, showered His blessings upon it, and ordained ˹all˺ its means of sustenance—totaling four Days exactly—for all who ask.
He placed firm mountains over it, and He blessed it and apportioned its provisions to all who would seek them, [all] in four days.
He placed firm mountains on the earth, and blessed it. He measured out its means of sustenance all in four Days; this is for those who ask for it
And He made in it mountains above its surface, and He blessed therein and made therein its foods, in four periods: alike for the seekers
And He made on it firm mountains from above it and He blessed it and ordained its subsistence within it in four days equally for the ones who ask.
He has placed headlands towering above it and blessed [whatever is] on it, and measured out its types of nourishment for it in four seasons, equally [within reach] for those who ask for it.
He has placed in it (the earth) firm mountains from above it, and He blessed in it, and measured in it its sustenance in 4 days equal for all those who (live in and) ask for it.
He placed firm mountains therein rising above it, blessed it, and apportioned its means of sustenance therein in four days, alike for all who ask
He placed anchors upon it, blessed it, and proportioned its sustenance in four equal intervals for all who ask.
He placed stabilizers over it; and blessed it; and planned its provisions in four days, equally to the seekers
And He placed therein firm mountains from above it (i.e., projecting on its surface and also penetrating beyond its superficial strata), and He blessed inside it (provisions for life) and provided in measured needs therein its foods in four aeons — equally available for (all) seekers
He set upon it mountains towering high above its surface, He bestowed blessings upon it and in four periods provided it with sustenance according to the needs of all those who live in and ask for it
And He made therein anchorages (i.e., mountains) from above it, and He blessed it, and determined therein its nourishments in four days, equal to the questioners
In four days He placed the mountains on it, blessed it, and equally measured out sustenance for those who seek sustenance
He has placed firm mountains in it (the earth) towering above it, and put blessings in it, and proportioned its foods therein, in four days, equal for those who ask
And He it is Who placed therein firm mountains towering above it, and bestowed enduring Bliss upon it. And He measured therein its sustenance in Four Seasons, alike for all who (invariably) need it. (39:67), (56:63-73)
He firmly fixed mountains on the earth, that rise high above its surface, and He blessed the earth. He made arrangements to supply the nourishment needs (for all life forms ever to exist on the earth) in four periods of time. Without exception, (He apportions food) to all who ask for it
He set upon the (earth) mountains standing firm, high above it (the earth), and He gave blessings upon the earth, and measured all the things, to give them nourishment in proper proportions; In four Days, in accordance with (the needs of) those who search (for the nourishment)
And He placed on the earth firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction - for [the information] of those who ask
And He placed stabilizers on it from its top, and made blessings in it, and He established its provisions in four days; a satisfaction for those who ask.
He placed solid mountains on it, blessed it, measured out its varied provisions for all who seek them––all in four Days
And He placed therein mountains firmly rooted rising above it, and blessed it, and ordained therein the sustenance thereof, all this in four days: comglete: this for the inquirers
He placed firm stabilisers rising above its surface, blessed it with plenty and growth, and ingrained the means of growing its food within it, sufficient for all seekers, in four spans
He placed firmly embedded mountains on it, towering over it, and blessed it and measured out its nourishment in it, laid out for those who seek it — all in four days.
He has set in it (the earth) firm mountains rising above it, and bestowed blessings therein, and determined its provisions in due measure (to be obtained) in four periods, in a way to meet the vital necessities of all things and beings, that seek their provision from Him
He set in it firm mountains [rising] above it, and blessed it and ordained therein its [various] means of sustenance in four days, alike for all the seekers [of the means of sustenance]
And He made in it firm mountains rising above its surface, and He blessed the earth and measured therein the sustenance for all things in four Days (periods), alike (or in accordance with their needs) for all seekers
He placed in it firm mountains (rising) above it, and He blessed it, and He assigned its foods in it in four stages, equally (available) to those who ask.
He set on the earth mountains standing firm high above it, and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measure therein all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in four days, in accordance with the needs of those who seek them
He made the mountains, blessed it, and in four days determined its provisions for seekers.
(After creating the earth) He set up firm mountains on it, blessed it, and provided it with sustenance in proportion to the needs of all who seek (sustenance). All this was done in four days
And He placed in it stabilizers from above it, and He blessed it and established its provisions in proportion in four days, to satisfy those who ask
"And, in four spans of time, He placed firm mountains rising above its surface, blessed it with plenty and growth, and ingrained within itself its provisions, sufficient for all needs. "
And He placed therein anchors of mountains rising above it and put blessings therein and ordained therein provisions for its inhabitants all this in four days, complete this for the enquirers.
He placed on it stabilizers (mountains), made it productive, and He calculated its provisions in four days, to satisfy the needs of all its inhabitants.
He set firm mountains on top (of the earth) and He blessed it. And in four days He ordained in it many provisions, equal to those who ask
And He made in it mountains above its surface, and He blessed therein and ordained therein its foods, in four days; alike for (all) seekers
And He made/put in it anchors/fixtures/mountains from above it, and He blessed in it, and He predestined/evaluated in it its provision in four days, straight/equal to the askers/questioners
God is the One Who [after having created the earth] established the mountains and made it hospitable and established an eco-system to provide the needs of the living species in four periods
And in it He placed mountains as anchors from above it, and blessings in it, and appointed the sustenance for those who dwell in it - all this in four days; a proper answer to those who question
HE placed therein firm mountains rising above its surface, and blessed it with abundance, and provided therein its foods in proper measure in four days - alike for all seekers
And He placed over it heavy mountains (brought forth) from within it and treasured in it (His infinite) blessings (minerals, water reservoirs, natural resources and other substances and forces and energies) and provided and appointed in it sustenance (i.e., necessities of life for all the creatures. He) accomplished (all that) in four days (i.e., four evolutionary periods. All of this sustenance is in fact) equal for all seekers (and the needy)
He placed therein (- in the earth) firm mountains rising above (its surface) and showered it with His blessings and placed in it various provisions according to a set measure, (provisions to which) all those who require them have equal rights, (and all this He created) in four aeons
He placed therein (i.e. the earth) firm mountains from above it, and He blessed it, and measured therein its sustenance (for its dwellers) in four Days equal (i.e. all these four days were equal in the length of time), for all those who ask (about its creation)
'And He set therein firm mountains over it, and He blessed it, and He ordained therein its diverse sustenance in four days, equal to those who ask.
And He placed in the earth mountains firmly rooted, rising above the same: And He blessed it; and provided therein the food of the creatures designed to be the inhabitants thereof, in four days; equally, for those who ask
And He placed thereon firm mountains above it and blessed it, and apportioned therein its foods in four days alike for those who ask
And he hath placed on the earth the firm mountains which tower above it; and He hath blessed it, and distributed food throughout it, for the cravings of all alike, in four days
He set therein mountains towering high above it; He pronounced His blessing upon it, and in four days provided it with sustenance for all alike
And in it He placed mountains from its top and He put blessings in it and He measured its sustenance in it in due proportion all in four periods, equal for all the seekers.
And He placed therein firmly-set mountains above its surface. And He showered it with His Blessings and ordained therein its various means of sustenance (for all its inhabitants in another two days)- totaling four days exactly- (an answer) for all those who ask (about its creation).
And He placed stabilisers on it from above it and blessed it and arranged its provision in four days in fair measure for those who seek it.
He set, on (the land), mountains standing firmly, high above it. He bestowed blessings on it, and He measured provisions upon it in four days, in accordance with those who seek.
And He made therein firm mountains on top of it, and He blessed it and determined its sustenance in four days, equal, for those who ask.
He has placed mountains towering above it and blessed [whatever is] on it, and measured out its types of nourishment for it in four days, equally [within reach] for those who ask for it.
And He set up in it stabilizers (mountains) from above it; and blessed in it; and measured therein its sustenance in four days, equally for the askers.
And he formed firmly set mountains (egos) on the earth (the body) and gave abundance therein and determined the sustenance for the continuation of its creatures in four periods, without distinction, for those who ask (according to their capacities).
And He made in it mountains ( through the deposition of material ) from the surface of it, and blessed therein, and He destined in it its food in four periods , balanced ( according to the requirement ) of the seekers.
" And He placed therein, in a certain setting, natural elevations* of the earth's surface rising notably above the surrounding level and fixed as with an anchor for stabilization, and He blessed it with His divine favour and He determined its livelihood and the means of sustaining life in four days of the same unit of time and made the sustenance available for all alike who seek His bounty."
And He made in it firm mountains above it and He put blessing in it and He made in it its foods in four days equal for those who ask.
He set on the (earth), mountains standing firm, high above it, and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measure therein all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in four Days, in accordance with (the needs of) those who seek (Sust enance)
And He placed therein firmly-set mountains above it and He blessed therein, and determined therein its sustenance in four periods equal, for those who ask
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